Most of the things in life occur as a result of combination of factors.
Our birth for instance, is the most amazing example of how the factors work. Starting from the fastest sperm piercing the egg to reaching the zone under optimum conditions for further growth and development to deciding whether it will be a combination of X or Y chromosomes to changes in the zygote for a single or a multiple creation, its all about combination of factors.
Now as we emerge into the World of reality, we realise that every step of our life is pre-decided, destineed. And what decides that, is again some more combination of factors. Our parents sort out and filter out the best of education they can provide us, the best of food, the best of clothing they can afford and overall the best of life that they can share with us. Starting from quality to financial feasability, they really do a series of complex mathematics to decide all that.
Once we grow old enough, a combination of factors decide whether we can sustain our own living or not. Are we financially independent? Can we face the cruel, ruthless World? Ok, lets say, we can overcome those factors and can pretty much manage our living, then will come the next question, Are we good enough? Are we better than our competitors? And what do we do to be the best?. These questions will take us back to the start and more questions will pop up. So our parents gave us the best they could afford, so that means we had the best since childhood, but does that mean we will be outstanding? Not necessarily.Are we intelligent - Again the same combination of factors: Depends..1 Genetics - If our parents were intelligent, chances are we will inherit a part of it. 2. Practical - Have we done enough learning in life to make ourselves intelligent. We may have or may not have. So, end result is till we meet someone better, we can call ourselves the best.
Thus over a period of time, knowingly or unknowingly we realise how much our life and existence is governed by various combination of factors and those will stay till our last breath which too depends heavily on these combinations.
I don't know if it is a good or a bad thing to be governed by a set of factors but I certainly believe there is no escape from it, maybe even an escape will require certain perfect combinations!
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