Monday, September 04, 2006

Peace is what we seek

When life is too much to take, do you take recluse in spirituality?My trip to Pondicherry was not just a long needed vacation but it was also an eye opener towards life, the way we seek, the way we need, the way we want to understand our living.People from all walks of life were there, working hard but still very much at peace with themselves.Why do we lack it here? Are we asking too much from life that slowly but surely we are losing touch with the reality, moving far from our inner peace?I am not much of a believer in God but I believe in the inner strength which keeps us alive and makes us overcome the tough times in life.In Pondicherry I saw the strength, in the weak and the old, in the rich and the poor, in the old and the young, everyone seemed to be so full of life, so much at ease. Pain is the word they are not aware of. Nobody out there needs anybody's help.Everyone is self sufficient with whatever they have. They lack nothing even when they donot own much material forms of living, but maybe it is the mental strength which has made them very rich and prosperous so much that we mortals, who constantly seek for wealth and luxuries of life, envy them.Peace and calmness is what we lack. The moments which allow us these elements move on perhaps too swiftly that by the time we want to grasp these fleeting moments they are long gone and all that remains is the hollowness of this pretentious world.