Once you are married, guess the next steps is to think about having babies.
Guess thats a normal thought....
But if you are married for nearly 4 years and still haven't thought that as a normal thought then there is a concern.....
Ok, it maynot be much of a worry to you but your peers, your colleagues, your old school friends (married and having at least a kid!)and most importantly, your family will take enough worries for you to make you think that you are not young anymore, the clock is ticking, you are not taking care of your health and why aren't you planning for a baby yet.......
I won't hide, but yeah I am getting those questions thrown at me by someone or the other at least once a day. My usual reaction is to smile and say that yeah by end of 2011 we are thinking of going through the process. Well that at least stops further questioning but that also makes me think that yeah, I am not as young as I was ten years back and yes my biological clock is possibly ticking and maybe the alarm will set off anyday now and maybe I should give enough thought to the process.
Well, I am thinking now..... maybe will come up with more thoughts in next posts....
..this is obvious..! :)
Yeah Prasad thats what I mentioned ... when I said that its a normal thought :)...well am still trying to let this thought sink in :)
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